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Colloque “Holy sites and pilgrimages. The Daoist living tradition and comparative perspectives on East Asian Buddhist, imperial and local practices”

Holy sites and pilgrimages

The Daoist living tradition and comparative perspectives on East Asian Buddhist, imperial and local practices


Second colloque Franco-Japonais sur les lieux saints taoïstes


Paris, March 24-25, 2017


Organisé par Tsuchiya Masaaki (Senshu University) et Vincent Goossaert (EPHE)

Avec le soutien de :




CEIB (Centre d’études interdisciplinaires sur le bouddhisme)


Vendredi 24 mars : au France (190 avenue de France, 75013 Paris), salle 123
9:15 opening
Keynote speech 1: Miura Kunio 三浦國雄 (Sichuan University) : « Graves as sacred sites: A new angle on the Zhen’gao » 作为圣地的坟墓―对《真诰》的新观点 (「聖地としての墓―『真誥』に対する新視点―」)
Keynote speech 2: Yuan Bingling 袁冰凌 (Fuzhou University) : « The pilgrimage to Maoshan and Early Chinese Spring sacrifices » 茅山的進香活動與古代春祭傳統
10:15 – 10:30 coffee break
10:30 panel 1. Chinese holy mountains and their visitors
Chairperson: Fang Ling
Vincent Goossaert (EPHE) : « Visitors to Longhushan, holy mountain and bureaucratic center »
Tsuchiya Masaaki 土屋昌明 (Senshu University) : « Pilgrimage practices of Tang-period Daoists » 唐代道士巡禮過程初探
Pierre Marsone (EPHE) : « Muyeshan 木葉山, the Khitans’ sacred mountain, and its imperial cult »
Anne Bouchy (EFEO – Lisst-CAS) : « Des traces dans la montagne – Parcours rituels et conceptions de la montagne dans le shugendô (Japon) » (Traces in the mountains. Ritual trajectories and notions of the mountain in Shugendô)
12:30 buffet lunch
13:45 panel 2. Temples and pilgrimage networks
Chairperson: Pan Junliang
Kristofer Schipper (EPHE) : « Saints and their Pilgrimages in Ancient China »
Ishino Kazuharu 石野一晴 (Keio University) : « Pilgrimages as seen in the late Qing route book Canxue zhijin » 晚清路程書《參學知津》所反映的朝山進香
Marcus Bingenheimer (Temple University) : « Going on Pilgrimage in the Late Qing – Itinerary networks in “Knowing the Paths of Pilgrimage” (c.1827) and “Records of Travels to Famous mountains” (c.1918) »
15:15 – 15:30 coffee break
Fang Ling 方玲 (CNRS – GSRL) : « The pilgrimage with no return » 朝山 : 往而不返
Sakai Norifumi 酒井規史 (Keio University) : « Daoist temples and sacred sites during the Song period » 宋代道觀與道教聖地
Yamashita Kazuo 山下一夫 (Keio University) : « Le Huoshenmiao de Xuzhou et le bouddhisme contemporain » 徐州火神廟與當代佛教
17:00 end of panel and departure for dinner cruise
19:30 end of dinner cruise

Samedi 25 mars : en Sorbonne, salle D064
9:30 panel 3. Conceptions of the holy sites and dongtian 洞天
Chairperson: Vincent Goossaert
Hirose Naoki 廣瀨直記 (Waseda University) : « Immortality practices and travels under the Six dynasties » 六朝時代的修仙與雲遊
Isabelle Ang (Collège de France) : « Dongtian, imperial rituals of “casting dragons” and local cults in Tang to Song China »
Shiga Ichiko 志賀市子 (Ibaraki Christian University) : « What kind of innovations did spirit-writing bring about for a popular saint’s cult? : A case of the Song Da-Feng cult in 19th century Chaozhou » 扶乩對民間聖人信仰帶來什麼革新? 以十九世紀潮州地區的宋大峰信仰為個案
11:00-11:15 coffee break
Wei Bin 魏斌 (Wuhan University) : « A blessed site of immortality – beliefs about Tiantaishan and the rise of its Buddhist and Daoist temples » “不死之福庭”:天台山的信仰想像与寺馆起源
Pan Junliang 潘君亮 (Université Paris-Diderot) : « The pilgrimage to Daruoyan : Daoist Dongtian and Popular Cult » 大若巖胡公爺班——道教洞天與俗神祠祀
12:15 buffet lunch
13:45 panel 4. Comparative approaches – Holy sites in East Asia
Chairperson: Tsuchiya Masaaki
Mori Mizue 森瑞枝 (Rikkyo University) : « Is there a Daoist influence on Japanese religious conceptions of caves as holy sites ? » 日本の洞窟信仰と道教・洞天思想
Isabelle Charleux (CNRS – GSRL) : « The Mongols and the womb-cave of Wutaishan : A ritual of fertility or of rebirth ? »
Ji Zhe 汲喆 (Inalco) : « Mapping Buddhism in the early 21st-century China » 图绘二十一世纪初的中国佛教
Lai Sih-yu 頼思妤 (The University of Tokyo) : « A preliminary study on the different versions of the Wu Yue Zhen Xing Tu in Japan » 在日『五嶽真形圖』版本初探 (「日本における『五嶽真形図』版本考初探」)
15:45-16:00 coffee break
16:00 Film screening: Patrice Fava, The Pilgrimage to Miaofengshan
Ninomiya Satoshi 二ノ宮聡 (Kansai University) : comments
18:45 end of conference
19:00 dinner at restaurant near Sorbonne

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Equipe ASIEs (13 mars 2017). Colloque “Holy sites and pilgrimages. The Daoist living tradition and comparative perspectives on East Asian Buddhist, imperial and local practices” Carnet d'Asies. Consulté le 7 février 2025 à l’adresse

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