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Séminaire “Winning the Peace: The Aftermath of the Tibet-Ladakh War of 1679–1683 and the Reorganisation of Western Tibet” 15/11

En présence de Charles Ramble, anthropologue et tibétologue spécialiste de la culture tibétaine (Directeur d’études, EPHE, CRCAO).

The Tibet Ladakh war, which resulted in victory for the Central Tibetan army under the leadership of the Mongol general Ganden Tshewang and the annexation of the Ngari region, has been well documented by several authors, notably Luciano Petech. Less well known are the measures that were taken to bring the newly-won territory in the administrative orbit of Lhasa’s Ganden Phodrang government. Based on published Tibetan studies and a hitherto unknown edict of the Fifth Dalai Lama issued in 1683, this presentation will examine the post-war policies that were implemented to reassure the local chiefs and the ordinary population of Western Tibet of the good intentions of their new ruler.

Dates : Mercredi 15 novembre 2017 – 17:30 – 19:00
Lieu : Salle 3.03 – Inalco – 65 rue des Grands Moulins 75013 Paris

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Asies (14 novembre 2017). Séminaire “Winning the Peace: The Aftermath of the Tibet-Ladakh War of 1679–1683 and the Reorganisation of Western Tibet” 15/11. Carnet d'Asies. Consulté le 7 février 2025 à l’adresse

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