“Gay, Lesbian and Transgender Communities in 21st Century Thailand: Intersections of Markets, Media, and Human Rights Activism” – Conférence de Peter Jackson – Lundi 4 avril 2016
L’équipe ASIEs a le plaisir de vous inviter à une conférence de Peter Jackson, Professeur à l’Australian National University (ANU), sur le thème “Gay, Lesbian and Transgender Communities in 21st Century Thailand: Intersections of Markets, Media, and Human Rights Activism”
The Thai capital of Bangkok is the unrivalled centre of the country’s gay, lesbian and transgender communities. These communities are among the largest in Southeast Asia, and indeed in the world, and have a diversity, social presence and historical depth that set them apart from the queer cultures of many neighbouring societies. In this seminar I describe the diversity of gay, lesbian and transgender cultures in Thailand today, detailing their relationship to the expanding Thai economy, new media, as well as the rise of gay, lesbian and transgender NGO organisations and human rights activism. The first years of the 21st century marked a significant transition moment for all of Thailand’s LGBT cultures, with an expansion in the geographical extent, media presence, economic importance, political impact, social standing, and cultural relevance of Thai queer communities. I analyse the roles of the market and new media in these transformations, and consider the ambiguous consequences that the growing commodification and mediatisation of queer lives have had for LGBT rights in Thailand. A key finding is that in the early 21st Century processes of “global queering” are leading to a growing Asianisation of Bangkok’s queer cultures. Indeed, in recent years, Bangkok has emerged as a geographical focus of expanding regional networks that now link gay, lesbian and transgender communities in Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam and other rapidly developing Asian societies.
Date : lundi 4 avril 2016 de 10h à 12h
Lieu : Inalco, 65 rue des Grands Moulins 75013 Paris, Salle 3.15
Organisation : Section de siamois de l’Inalco
Contact : <apisit.waraeksiri@inalco.fr>
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Asies (29 mars 2016). “Gay, Lesbian and Transgender Communities in 21st Century Thailand: Intersections of Markets, Media, and Human Rights Activism” – Conférence de Peter Jackson – Lundi 4 avril 2016. Carnet d'Asies. Consulté le 25 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/d1aq